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Sleep Apnea Treatments

Navigating Sleep Apnea Treatment in Westlake Village: Our Comprehensive Guide

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West Lake Sleep Apnea

Exploring CPAP & Its Alternatives

Sleep apnea poses substantial health challenges, not just for the individual affected, but also for their bed partner. The most prevalent solution for those grappling with obstructive sleep apnea is the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.


Regarded as the "gold standard" in treatment, CPAP can indeed be remarkably effective, especially for those with severe sleep apnea. However, the loud noise and movement restriction associated with CPAP often prevent many patients from accessing the vital treatment they require.


Dr. Greenman offers viable CPAP alternatives, such as our user-friendly oral appliances. These represent a compact, less intrusive, and more comfortable option for many patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. Dr. Greenman is committed to discovering the treatment that aligns best with your needs.

Understanding the Impact of Untreated Sleep Apnea on Your Health

For patients experiencing mild to moderate sleep apnea, oral appliances present a desirable alternative to CPAP. These custom-fit devices subtly advance your lower jaw during sleep, clearing the obstruction that's causing your airway to close.Oral appliances facilitate uninterrupted, regular breathing throughout the night, ensuring you achieve a full night's rest.

Obtaining Appropriate Care for Sleep Apnea & Snoring

Does your sleep partner frequently endure sleepless nights due to your snoring? Snoring is the most common sign of sleep apnea, but many are unaware of this connection.


The most reliable method of determining whether you're experiencing sleep apnea is by consulting a skilled sleep dentist such as Dr. Greenman. A sleep study can confirm if your excessive snoring stems from sleep apnea. Even if you're not afflicted with sleep apnea, Dr. Greenman can still address your snoring issues.


Obtaining appropriate treatment for your sleep apnea is paramount. Dr. Greenman will ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. It's time for you and your partner to enjoy restful sleep, waking up refreshed, re-energized, and ready to seize the day.

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