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Sleep Apnea Treatments

Effective Snoring Treatments in Westlake Village

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West Lake Sleep Apnea

Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a phenomenon that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat during sleep, leading to vibration during breathing. Over 90 million Americans snore during their nightly rest, which can cause considerable strain between you and your bed partner. In fact, most snorers aren't even aware of the intensity of their snoring until they're rudely awakened by an irritated bed partner.


While snoring is a key symptom of sleep apnea, not all individuals who snore loudly suffer from this condition. Sleep apnea is characterized by several instances of breathing cessation each night due to tissue obstructing the airway. If your snoring is accompanied by symptoms such as daytime fatigue, morning headaches, frequent breathing pauses, or habitual waking with a dry mouth or sore throat, you might be experiencing sleep apnea.


Top-down view of a couple in bed, the man is asleep with his right arm around the woman, and she appears annoyed.


A woman yawning while working at a computer.

West Lake Sleep Apnea

Risk Factors for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Several factors can contribute to both snoring and sleep apnea, including:

  • Age, weight, gender
  • Nasal congestion or a deviated septum
  • Allergies
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Sleeping position

Achieving Relief for You and Your Loved Ones

Seeking the right professional intervention for your snoring can lead to a restful night's sleep for both you and your bed partner. This is vital not just for your wellbeing, but also for the health and happiness of those around you.

Spouses and bed partners of heavy snorers frequently endure severe sleep deprivation, which can result in numerous significant health issues, such as:


  • Weight gain

Increased risk of diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks

Daytime mood swings and irritability

Automobile accidents

  • Decreased sex drive

Memory loss and cognitive function reduction

Getting effective treatment for your sleep apnea could be one of the most beneficial steps you take for your relationship.A tired man sitting at a table, appearing disgruntled, with an open newspaper and a coffee cup in front of him.

West Lake Sleep Apnea

Common Queries from Our Patients

Does everyone who snores loudly and disruptively suffer from sleep apnea?

Can Dr. Greenman still help alleviate my snoring if it's not associated with sleep apnea?

My partner believes I have sleep apnea due to my snoring, but what other symptoms should I be aware of?

West Lake Sleep Apnea

Effective Treatments for Snoring

If you're a moderate to heavy snorer, you may be experiencing sleep apnea. To confirm this, Dr. Greenman can organize a sleep study for you. This study can be conducted at a sleep center or in the comfort of your home using a portable device.


Once we have eliminated sleep apnea as the cause of your heavy snoring, we can concentrate solely on treating your snoring. Dr. Greenman offers successful snoring treatments, such as our compact and easy-to-use oral appliances.

Reach Out to Our Premier Sleep Apnea Dentist in Westlake Village