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Is Sleep Apnea Straining Your Relationship?

The Impact of Snoring on Your Partner

Sharing a bed with a chronic snorer can be a significant challenge that puts strain on your relationship. The nightly disruption caused by the loud, grating noise can result in sleepless nights, leading to separate sleeping arrangements, resentment, and in some extreme cases, even divorce.


Surprisingly, snoring is the third most common cause of divorce. Your habitual snoring could be the culprit behind your partner's persistent fatigue and negative mood. The abrupt gasps for air during the night, a characteristic symptom of sleep apnea, may be causing them worry and anxiety. Snoring can thus be an indicator of a more severe issue like sleep apnea.


Both snoring and sleep apnea have been found to induce tension among couples and even cause breakups. Dr. Greenman is here to help. He believes that no couple should have to suffer because of the effects of snoring and sleep apnea, especially when multiple treatments are readily available.

The Strain on Your Relationship

The repercussions of your snoring and sleep apnea on your relationship can be distressing. If you're under the impression that you're just a regular snorer and there's nothing that can be done, your partner may start to resent you. They might perceive you as being indifferent to their discomfort and feelings.


Your snoring may even start affecting your intimate life. Sleep apnea is known to reduce libido, lower testosterone levels in men, and lead to erectile dysfunction. This lack of physical closeness can be detrimental to a relationship, often causing frustration and leading to thoughts of separation.

Reviving Your Sleep and Relationship

If you and your partner have resorted to sleeping in separate rooms due to your snoring or sleep apnea, it's a crucial sign that you should start exploring ways to mitigate these disruptions. The most reliable way to ascertain whether your snoring is indicative of sleep apnea is to undertake a formal sleep study.

Upon diagnosis, you can alleviate your snoring and sleep apnea with an oral appliance provided by Dr. Greenman. By scheduling a consultation, he can guide you and your partner towards a restful night, helping you rebuild your bond and lead a life free from sleep-related issues.

Here are some additional strategies to improve your sleep quality and manage snoring and sleep apnea:

  • Openly discuss your issues to reach a solution
  • Consult a doctor and act upon their advice
  • Maintain a healthy weight if obesity is contributing to your sleep disorder
  • Experiment with environmental changes in the bedroom, like adjusting lighting conditions
  • Introduce fun bedtime activities like storytelling or cuddling
  • Stand by each other through every step of the journey towards better sleep