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Sleep Apnea Treatments

Navigating Sleep Apnea & Weight Issues in Westlake Village, CA

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West Lake Sleep Apnea

Struggling with Weight & Sleep Difficulties?

Are you living with excess weight, particularly around your waistline or neck? The burdens of being overweight extend beyond physical discomfort and self-consciousness; they also compound the challenge of losing that extra weight. The struggle intensifies if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.


Sleep apnea and weight have a reciprocal relationship, with each condition worsening the other if neglected. Obesity is a leading risk factor for sleep apnea, significantly influencing the sufferer's ability to breathe. If you're overweight, you're also more likely to snore, a factor that can intensify sleep apnea.


Studies indicate that sleep apnea, by deteriorating sleep quality and leading to extreme daytime fatigue, often contributes to weight gain. Most sufferers feel too tired to engage in physical activities, and maintaining a balanced diet becomes increasingly difficult.

CPAP & Weight Gain Concerns

If you're diagnosed with sleep apnea and use a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask for treatment, you may often feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable. The loud noise it makes might even discourage you from wearing it at bedtime.

Recent research has unveiled a correlation between CPAP use and weight gain, causing many patients to discontinue treatment. A 2015 study reported an average increase in the body mass index of over 3,000 patients using CPAP for sleep apnea. Consequently, many sufferers are seeking CPAP alternatives that won't affect their weight but will still provide relief from sleep symptoms.

West Lake Sleep Apnea

Commitment to Weight Loss

For overweight individuals dealing with sleep apnea, Dr. Greenman's first recommendation is a lifestyle change to lose weight. It requires a long-term commitment and won't show overnight results, but it could be the life-saving transformation you need.


Weight loss is an effective treatment for sleep apnea, proven to reduce symptoms such as snoring, daytime drowsiness, and mood swings. Moreover, it can lessen your risk of other serious health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


Once you dedicate yourself to weight loss, it won't be long until you witness a significant decrease in body weight and relief from sleep apnea symptoms.

West Lake Sleep Apnea

Choosing Your Preferred Exercise

Exercise shouldn't feel like a chore. Yes, it can be intimidating or uncomfortable, especially if you're overweight and don't see immediate results. However, consistent exercise can invigorate you throughout the day and promote sound sleep at night. Engaging in workouts you enjoy will help you stay committed and reap long-term benefits.


You don't need to match a marathon runner's pace or lift weights like a gym enthusiast to lose weight. A myriad of exercise options exist, allowing you to find an enjoyable and confidence-boosting workout. Yoga, hiking, beach walks, dance, aerobics, sports, kickboxing, or swimming could be some enjoyable, low-impact workouts to try. Whatever exercise you prefer, the more effective it will be for you, and the better results you'll see.

Balancing Your Diet

Alongside consistent exercise, a nutritious, balanced diet is essential for weight loss. Combining these two lifestyle changes can lead to a drop in weight and relief from sleep apnea symptoms.

What kind of diet optimizes weight loss and improves sleep quality? This might vary, but researchers suggest the Mediterranean diet as a beneficial starting point. Yet, keep in mind that some diets may work better for one person than another. So, tailor your diet plan to your personal needs.


Remember not to limit your diet to the point of loathing it. Eating should be a satisfying experience, encouraging adherence to your new meal plan. As you begin noticing minor changes in your weight, you'll be closer to achieving your overall goals than you might think.

Reach Out to Our Premier Sleep Apnea Dentist in Westlake Village