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Sleep Apnea's Impact on Pregnancy in Westlake Village

Navigating Sleep During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a nine-month journey filled with a multitude of physical and emotional changes. With hormones surging and the body transforming, even sleep patterns can be disrupted.


Sleep difficulties commonly emerge during the third trimester. As the baby grows, frequent urination, discomfort, and insomnia often disturb a pregnant woman's sleep. However, if you experience sleep issues in your first trimester, the culprit might not be pregnancy but a severe sleep disorder like sleep apnea.

Recognizing & Understanding the Risks of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, many women snore more due to swelling in their nasal passages that obstructs their airway. You may not be aware of your nocturnal noises, but your partner will likely be the first to notice an increase in the volume and frequency of your snoring.

Snoring can elevate blood pressure, posing risks to both you and your unborn child. If these signs present themselves, it is crucial to seek a sleep study promptly. Conducted by a board-certified sleep physician, a sleep study can discern whether your snoring is a minor side effect of pregnancy or an indication of sleep apnea. A proper diagnosis is crucial for your wellbeing and that of your unborn child and is the first step towards improving your sleep quality.


If your snoring is paired with extreme daytime fatigue, mood swings, headaches, and swollen legs, it might point towards sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can significantly impact both mother and baby.


Research has shown that habitual snoring during pregnancy can escalate risks such as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, pulmonary edema, and intrauterine growth restriction. Expectant mothers may also face maternal obesity, lowered blood-oxygen levels, and an increased likelihood of a cesarean section. These potential risks underscore the importance of seeking appropriate care.

Seeking Treatment with Dr. Greenman

In Westlake Village, we aim to help women find the most effective treatment for their sleep apnea, ensuring the wellbeing of both the mother and the unborn child. Upon a confirmed diagnosis of sleep apnea, the standard initial treatment is typically a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask.


This device, worn over the face, delivers a steady stream of air into the lungs and nasal passages, clearing any obstructions interfering with normal breathing. While highly effective, the CPAP can be uncomfortable and cause feelings of claustrophobia, leading some women to discontinue its use.


Understanding the unique challenges faced by pregnant women, we strive to make apnea treatment as easy and comfortable as possible with the provision of an oral appliance. By scheduling a consultation with Dr. Greenman, you can explore whether this treatment is the right fit for you. He will design a personalized treatment plan and suggest other at-home strategies to alleviate your snoring.